Le cerf-volant (French for ‘kite’) is an itinerant initiative tended by Raphaël, crafted to offer – through the Way of Tea – a selfless, safe, introspective and educational space and refuge for all individuals. Dedicated to the languages of tea and their multilayerity, this open, dynamic, and inclusive bridge humbly invites anyone to start, explore, or further nourish their own tea practice through organoleptic experiences as well as public and private events.

Malaysia / Taiwan / Japan

organoleptic experiences

lǎo rén chá 老人茶 (gān pào 乾泡 style) – old man’s tea
gōng fu chá 工夫茶 (cháozhōu 潮州 style) – skilful tea
explore all experiences


attend one of the upcoming tea experiences

teaware for sale

buy new, retired, antique, and vintage pieces

music for tea

a contrasting, curated music selection for tea spaces


learn more about le cerf-volant and its host raphaël


let’s collaborate together


writings about tea education and culture, reflections, and other explorations


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other personal projects

kůra růka – healing arts (massage therapies, meditation, apothecary)
pháyán – fujara music
le vagabond bleu – haiku poetry
learnseedsaving.com – educational platform dedicated to seed saving

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